Friday, January 24, 2025

NASA Archives: Satellite Images of Earth

NASA Earth Observatory: a project of the EOS Project Science Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA Landsat Science: the NASA/USGS Landsat Program provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth’s land in existence. Landsat data give us information essential for making informed decisions about Earth’s resources and environment.

NASA Visible Earth: a catalogue of images and animations of our home planet

U.S. Geological Survey LandsatLook: online tool for recent information by address or place name, and to track changes in different light wavelengths

Timeline of the Landsat program, beginning with the launch of Landsat 1 in 1972. Landsat Next, consisting of a trio of satellite observatories, is expected to launch in late 2030. As the tenth Landsat mission, it will continue the legacy of the Landsat program. Source: Landsat Science

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