Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024

Further investigations into the description of images and illusions

Is this one image, or many images? Is this one figure, or a conglomerate of figures, or an arrogate of figures, and are they moving?  In the range of possible descriptions, is there a significant distinction to be made between the use of "conglomerate" and "aggregate", or between the use of "image" and "figure"?

How do we approach a description of the distinction among the moving images we perceive and the fact that the moving figures (elements?) are in fact not moving?

(Coming soon:  A grammatical analysis of Noumena and Phenomena.)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

怪奇 江戸川乱山 (The Mysterious Edogawa Ranzan, 1937)

一度死んだ男が謎の老人の霊術で蘇り自分を殺した者たちに復讐をする どことなく西洋的な雰囲気の漂う異色の怪奇時代劇 剣戟スター羅門光三郎主演、監督は下村健二

 "A man who once died is brought back to life by the spiritual magic of a mysterious old man and takes revenge on those who killed him. A unique historical drama with a vaguely Western feel. Starring Ramon Kozaburo, directed by Kenji Shimomura."

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Highbrow advice from Washington Irving

A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. 

Washington Irving by John Wesley Jarvis, 1809

Monday, September 30, 2024

Creepy and Eerie covers (and complete magazines) - courtesy of Terrance Lindall

Just across my desk - from Terrance Lindall, a collection of Creepy and Eerie magazines featuring Mr. Lindall's cover art. Click the cover images to view the magazines.  Also included here, a detailed and profusely indexed brochure from the Grand Paradise Lost Costume Ball celebration of John Milton's birthday, September 27, 2008, held at the Williamsburg Art and Historical Center.


These are indeed curious texts. Sensational, disturbing, vulgar... Moreover, they are commercial products.  People pay for such material.  Possibly worth examining in more detail?  Click HERE.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Emanations 11 editing continues

The book will be around 560 pages long.  I am now working on the Table of Contents.  Watch this space.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Antoine de Saint Exupéry à la radio en 1938

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry on the radio in 1938, recounting a plane crash he had in Guatemala, then giving his impressions of aviation in the United States.

On February 14, 1938, Saint-Exupéry and Prévot left New York on the board of their Simoun to break the New York - Punta Arenas record in Tierra del Fuego. On take-off from Guatemala City, due to a confusion in the units of measurement (the Guatemalan stripe is different from the American one), due to the fuel surcharge, the plane crashed at the end of the runway.

"When I was taken off the plane, I was the biggest piece of debris," Saint-Exupéry would later say, who remained in a coma for several days.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Emanations over the years (with Vitasta Raina)

Meanwhile, editing Emanations 11 continues. It's going to be a large volume.