Carter Kaplan is the author of The Invisible Tower Trilogy: Echoes, We Reign Secure, and The Sky-Shaped Sarcophagus. His first novel is Tally-Ho, Cornelius!Diogenes is an Aristophanic comedy. Editor of Emanations; IA edition of The Scarlet Letter with Afterword, "A" is for Antinomian: Theology and Politics in The Scarlet Letter; the anthology Fantasy Worlds. Co-translator and editor of Creation of the World by Torquato Tasso. Book on Wittgenstein and literary theory: Critical Synoptics. Articles on “Karel Čapek,” “Menippean Satire” and “Dystopian Literature” in The Encyclopedia of Literature and Politics. Articles on "Herman Melville" and "Michael Butterworth" in A Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes (which has an article about him). A chapter on William Blake and Michael Moorcock appears in New Boundaries in Political Science Fiction. Teaching includes Literature, Philosophy, and post-graduate Medical Research Writing in universities ranging across Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York City, and Scotland.
:-D :-D :-D
Aim for 75% next time :-)
The bad news is that fifty percent of girls surveyed chose bunnies over Emanations.
But we know that bunnies are also emanations . . .
Jeffery Hodges
* * *
Wonderful :)
Yes, but what are the *bunnies* reading these days?
Awesome Visionaries, hopefully everyone loves emanations mystical!
But for us Emanations Books Awesomely! In 50%? not bad! but still magically and phenomenological visionaries!
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