Prima Via: The Argument from Change:
Change is everywhere. Someone causes it---so there must be a God like
Aristotle’s “Unmoved Mover.”
Secunda Via: The Argument form Causation:
Who causes causes? Is there a first cause, itself uncaused? There is. God is
the original Uncaused Cause.
Tertia Via: The Argument from Contingency:
How do we account for contingency in nature? Only by a Necessary Being beyond
Quarta Via: The Argument from Degrees of
Excellence: We notice degrees of excellence in nature. This implies the notion
of perfection, which in turn implies what we might call a Perfect Being.
Quinta Via: The Argument form Harmony:
Everywhere we look is “adaptation” or “accord.” Fish need to swim so they have
fins and tails. Dogs need to chew bones so they have strong teeth. These are
evidence of design—the manifestation (evidence/existence) of an Intelligence
that organizes things.
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Francisco de Zurbarán, The Apotheosis of Saint Thomas
Aquinas (1631)
St. Thomas expounds
Church Doctors review with care
This is a nice day
(Attribution: my summary of the Quinque viae is from old notes, and I take they
had been borrowed and paraphrased from various sources, long since forgotten.)
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