Thursday, December 1, 2016

John Dugdale Bradley of Milton's Cottage to visit the WAH Center


John Dugdale Bradley, Trustee of Milton’s Cottage Trust, Buckinghamshire, England, has been  invited to speak at the Milton Society of America's annual dinner in Philadelphia on 7th January 2017 to launch the Paradise Maintain’d Endowment Fund. This effort seeks to raise endowment funds of $5,000,000 over the next two years to sustain Milton's Cottage.

The Yuko Nii Foundation will also be seeking funds in 2017 to build an elevator to the Mansard roof area where the permanent collection is kept. Among the holdings is the Milton Collection of historical art and artifacts. The forward room of the Mansard roof has beautiful views from windows that oversee the Manhattan and Brooklyn skylines.

John will be at the WAH Center January 9th at 11 A.M. to meet with Yuko Nii and Terrance Lindall to discuss where they can mutually take their common interest in the perpetuation of the Milton Legacy. Terrance believes that efforts in 2017 celebrating the 350th anniversary of the publishing of Paradise Lost can successfully launch this fundraising campaign for both institutions. 

The fundraising campaign could be high profile and promote not only Milton's legacy but the study of humanities in general. In 2008 Yuko Nii and Terrance Lindall hosted a celebration for Milton's 400th birthday.

Some of the Yuko Nii Foundation's Milton collection will be on display on January 9th for John's visit. After a tour of the building, a light luncheon will be served in the grand reception hall around 12 noon.

Those interested in helping with this exciting fundraising campaign should contact Terrance Lindall:

Milton dictating PL, collection of the Yuko Nii Foundation

1 comment:

  1. Dear Carter:

    Many thanks for your post. Let me add that we are opening the January 9th meeting and luncheon up to any interested parties. Tickets are $50. I believe that it is going to be a very high profile fundraising campaign over the coming year with a grand party here at our art center and much more...and we want everyone interested in Milton to have a generous part of it. It will be a celebratory experience of a lifetime!

    Tickets here:

    John liked the idea of the luncheon. He responded by saying "Wow, what a fantastic response and a marvelous idea."

    Best, Terrance Lindall
