Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tasso in English... in Italy

Dario Rivarossa is out out and about in Italy telling people about the forthcoming International Authors edition of Torquato Tasso's Creation of the World.  Today Dario is speaking in Perugia before the Dante Alighieri Society.   Please click HERE for the announcement.  We should soon hear a report from the meeting.

HERE are some of my reflections upon the project.

Watch this space.


  1. Just back from there! Not many people -- as 'true' culture requires, ha ha -- but they have been surprised and favourably shocked by this 'unusual' Tasso because, yeah, even in his homeland, he's just remembered for secondary aspects, or absurd legends. We have the DUTY to have readers and scholars rediscover Torquato Tasso in his glory.

  2. When duty calls, International Authors is there.
