Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What is a Lie?

1.0 The essence of an object is the unchanging element distinct through its series of appearances.

1.1 Alternatively, one could say the essence of an object is a changing element, varying and contingent upon each distinct appearance in a series. Essence varies with time, context, and perception. Ergo, essential truth is proved against the criteria of the context and time frame in which the utterance is perceived (as being true).

2.0 But remove the concept of "essence" and the formulation is upended. The truth of 2+2=4 is not contingent upon essence (or appearance).

2.1 2+2=4 is true because it is.

2.2 If you could somehow remove a thing's "essence," would that thing cease to exist?

2.21  "Look," I could say, holding up a pair of galoshes,  "Although these galoshes will fit over my shoes and will repel water, I have removed their essence, and therefore they are no longer galoshes."

2.22 Alternatively, I could hold up a pair of galoshes without mentioning their essence at all, and say, "These galoshes fit over my shoes and repel water."

2.23 Would adding the word "essence" or the concept of essence to this statement (or a statement like it) in any way change the fact that the galoshes fit over my shoes and repel water?

2.231  An important philosopher could say, "But fitting over your shoes and repelling water is the essence of your  galoshes!"  Rather isn't that simply what they do?

2.3  2+2=5 is false.

2.31 And if 2+2=5 is true, then it is a proposition of a political nature...

2.312 or a proposition of theoretical mathematics. 

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