Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Today in the Britain Nu-Labour Built

1. You can be arrested (and disappear) without charge.

2. You are now liable to arrest for information given to you by someone else.

3. You can't protest without Police consent, and they'll film you while you do it.

4. Your DNA can be taken and held for the most trivial, or indeed innocent of reasons.

5. You can be prohibited from doing otherwise lawful acts on nebulous "anti-social behavior" grounds.

6. Dissent and contradiction are being stamped on; this is designed to chill internal government dissidents, dissuading them from leaking documents while frightening opposition politicians off from receiving, let alone acting upon, leaked information.

7. The government helps undocumented aliens find work, selectively disregarding the law, even as unemployment levels remain high.

8. High-profile militants with violent agendas are tolerated to enhance the government’s argument there exits a permanent "special security" situation.

9. Widespread hooliganism is tolerated, even as law-abiding citizens are prevented from protecting themselves.

10. Micromanaged behavior training in schools.

11. Over-prescription of mind-numbing antidepressants like Prozac and behavior-modification drugs like Ritalin.

12. Security cameras are everywhere, even in parks, wood and green spaces.

Has Britain become a totalitarian state? Or is it in a transitional phase, moving in the direction of tyranny?

Such a transformation will be difficult to recognize according to the various projections of C. S. Lewis, Anthony Burgess and Stanley Kubrick.

Lewis cautions us to watch the universities, where we can expect corporate take-over marked by a philosophy of moral relativism and bureaucratic stoicism superintended by a positivist vision of scientific utopia.

In Kubrick’s interpretation of Burgess’s violent novel, it will appear as the early flickering of a bad trip just round the edges.

Ignore the flickering to your peril, ye Britains.

"What's it going to be then, eh?"

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