Thursday, February 18, 2021

Writing Paragraphs on Philosophical Terms and Philosophers

Philosophical Terms

Topic Sentence: identify the term in a general statement. 


Supporting Sentences: specific statements in which you describe, explain, discuss and comment on the term. Develop general points with discussion, illustrations and examples.  Suggested descriptive points: 



Origin and history of the term/the use of the term 

Explain the term
Examples and illustrations of problems and questions surrounding or falling under the heading of the term 

What other people have said about the term 

What you think about the term, your views 




Philosophers, Theologians and Figures of Philosophical Interest 


Topic Sentence: identify the figure in a general statement. What is the figure’s significance or place in the history of ideas? 


Supporting Sentences: specific statements in which you describe, explain, discuss and comment on the figure. Develop general points with discussion, illustrations and examples.  Suggested descriptive points: 


Significance (possibly continued from your topic sentence, or make this(these) remark(s) at the end of your paragraph) 


Publications and work 

Figure influenced by_______________ 

Figure influenced_______________ 

(Remember, influences—in either direction—can include other figures, history, politics, the history of philosophy, biographical matters, and the world of schools and school teachers.) 

Main ideas (What are the figures most important ideas?  Also, possibly use the “Moral Philosophy in Context” tool: 1) Metaphysical beliefs, special claims for reason or logic, theory of human nature. 2) Moral Philosophy. 3) Political Philosophy.) 

What other people have said about the figure (you might want to return to significance) 

What you think about the figure, your views (again, you might want to return to significance) 

Possible final statement: Why is the figure significant? 

Albrecht Dürer, Melencolia I

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