Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Mos e harro Japoninë, Suzanë (Don't forget Japan, Suzanë) by Aziz Mustafa

My International Authors colleague Aziz Mustafa has published a new novel Mos e harro Japoninë, Suzanë (Don't forget Japan, Suzanë).

Here are some review-descriptions, translated from Albanian by Valdete Muçaj:

Aziz Mustafa was born in the year 1967 in Malisheva in Gjilan. He is a specialist of otorinolaryngology and a writer. Many of his works that belong to the wide field of medical science and many others to the close field of otorinolaryngology are published in several pestigious world science magazines. On the other hand he was always a copious reader and never stopped writing of literature. He published three collections of poems and a book with short stories. This is his first novel. The other one is nearly finished. He lives in Gjilan and works in Gjilan and Prishtina.

Aziz Mustafa whose first profession is a physician but who has a special sense of a poet and a writer did not appear to Albanian reader based on the value of his literary creation in both these genres. He poses a wide knowledge in science and arts which are presented in this novel in a very artistic manner. By combining science with arts his prose like e special perfume within e novel in which he drags the characters around on his will and keeps the reader very engaged make it a very lovely and easy prose for reading. Therefore, I hope and strongly believe that with this prose published by this prestigious publishing house he will achieve the merited place in Albanian literature.

         - Imer Topanica

The writing of this prose started at the castle of Aizuwakamatsu in Japan and was finished during the troubles of pandemic Covid 19, at the flat of the author that is located in front of the theater of the city of Gjilan. The expected and unexpeted events of the novel increase from the dramas and tragedies of the characters who with the memories they wrote in a diary over the years shiver the reader with intelligibility and astonishments of the situations of their lives. In this novel nobody is safe for anything. You live today, tomorrow not. The death comes unexpected, together with it sorrow. The fates of young and old people parade in front of us like the honor guards of soldiers during honor and celebration days for which we must pay close attention.

         - The publishing house Armagedoni

Dr. Mustafa is currently supervising the translation of the novel into English.  Stay tuned for more developments.

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