Tuesday, August 20, 2013

International Authors and Emanations: Third Eye at the Brooklyn Book Festival

Next month, I will give a talk on Emantions: Third Eye at the WAH Center:

Bookend Lecture

Lectures and a Display of Terrance Lindall's

Gold Illuminated Paradise Lost Elephant Folio


A Bookend Event of the Brooklyn Book Festival

 Saturday, September 21, 2013

12-6 PM Display of the Elephant Folio, plus the Gold Scroll and NEW large format full color drawing, Paradise Lost Re-envisoned

3 PM Admission $5  Refreshments Available.

3 PM Introduction by Yuko Nii, Founder and Artistic Director of the Williamburg Art & historical Center.

3:15 Bienvenido Bones Banez performs his renowned "Satanic Rhapsody" on our Grand Piano.

3:30 PM Dr. Carter Kaplan of International Authors discusses their new release, Emanations: Third Eye.

3:45 PM Audience questions and answers followed by book signings.

4 PM Terrance Lindall will sign his limited edition book about the Gold Folio and talk about the Paradise Lost Contemporary Art Collection that is being developed by the Yuko Nii Foundation, and the complimentary collection being developed by Dr. Robert J. Wickenheiser for the University of South Carolina, which will be on display at a grand conclave of artists, collectors and scholars at the U of SC in 2015 (info: milton@wahcenter.net).

 ...plus Special Antiquarian Book Exhibits including  Reynard the Fox, Boccaccio's Decameron, The second folio of Shakespeare's Macbeth and Hamlet (1632). etc.

1 comment:

  1. We should attend this great prophecy and we hope we are open mind...

