Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Highbrow Action at the Brooklyn Book Festival

International Authors had a presence last Sunday at the Brooklyn Book Festival. The Williamsburg Art and Historical Center was our host for the event, and as things turned out we had the honor of representing the Center.

Originally, we were only going to present Emanations: Third Eye as part of the WAH Center display, but then a last minute email from Terrance Lindall informed us that something had come up, and he and his assistant from the WAH Center could not make the event. The table was all ours. Did we have other books to display? And could we represent WAH?

Well, of course!

The full range of International Authors books were presented before the public.  I was joined by surrealist painter Bienvenido Banez, Jr. and Hudson Valley poet Kristine Shmenco, seen here along with yours truly in the following photographs.

I remain very grateful for the opportunity, and on behalf of International Authors I wish to extend my thanks to Terrance Lindall and Yuko Nii, who made the afternoon possible. Terrance and Yuko have been very kind to International Authors over the years, and it has been very enjoyable working with an organization that shares so much in common with our consortium. See, for example, this description of Yuko Nii's "Bridge Concept," as well as this description of just one of the many projects the WAH Center pursues through maintaining its collections and its philanthropic efforts.

Meanwhile, Bien, Kristine and I had a wonderful time talking to festival goers about our books. Also, we compared notes and developed a number if ideas about the book industry--about making books, promoting books and art, about the people who buy books and what they look for, and so on.  We had such an enjoyable time that the day flashed by in a wink  Following the photographs, I have posted links to several press stories. Enjoy.

Brooklyn Daily Eagle
New York Times
The New Yorker
NYU Local

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Consolation of Music

Events this afternoon at the WAH Center have been cancelled--including my talk on Emanations: Third Eye.  The Brooklyn Book Festival is on, however, and tomorrow morning I will be at table 99 with International Authors.

Meanwhile, I am in Manhattan, and that means music at the Cloisters.  Click HERE for details.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Emanating Announcements

It's always interesting to see how other contributors and editors view a project.  Here are announcements from Dario Rivarossa, Horace Jeffery Hodges, Kristine Shmenco and Mike Chivers:


Gypsy Scholar



Monday, September 16, 2013

Interview with Michael Butterworth

Philip Murray-Lawson has posted Part I of his interview with Michael Butterworth.

Michael Butterworth (l) with Michael Moorcock (r).


In the interview, Mr. Butterworth reflects on a number of  intriguing subjects, including his contribution to British New Wave science fiction in the 1960s,  New Worlds, Michael Moorcock, his work with Savoy Books and David Britton, the contemporary avant-garde, and Emanations.

Please click HERE for the interview.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Emanations: Third Eye is Now Available

On behalf of the International Authors Board of Editorial Advisors, I am happy to announce that Emanations: Third Eye, an anthology of fiction, poetry, criticism and art is now available through Amazon.

Click HERE to visit the Amazon sales page.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Emanations: Third Eye events at the Brooklyn Book Festival

As I reported in August, International Authors will have a  presence Sept 21-22 at the Brooklyn Book Festival.  Specifically, we will present Emanations: Third Eye, which will be available very soon.  

Saturday September 21:

12-6 PM Display of the Elephant Folio, plus the Gold Scroll and NEW large format full color drawing, Paradise Lost Re-envisoned

3 PM Admission $5  Refreshments Available.

3 PM Introduction by Yuko Nii, Founder and Artistic Director of the Williamburg Art & historical Center.

3:15 Bienvenido Bones Banez performs his renowned "Satanic Rhapsody" on our Grand Piano.

3:30 PM Dr. Carter Kaplan of International Authors discusses their new release, Emanations: Third Eye.

3:45 PM Audience questions and answers followed by book signings.

4 PM Terrance Lindall will sign his limited edition book about the Gold Folio and talk about the Paradise Lost Contemporary Art Collection that is being developed by the Yuko Nii Foundation, and the complimentary collection being developed by Dr. Robert J. Wickenheiser for the University of South Carolina, which will be on display at a grand conclave of artists, collectors and scholars at the U of SC in 2015 (info: Special Antiquarian Book Exhibits including  Reynard the Fox, Boccaccio's Decameron, The second folio of Shakespeare's Macbeth and Hamlet (1632). etc.

Sunday September 22:

9:00 AM Volunteers meet at WAH Center to drive to Book Festival
9:30 AM Set up table #99
10-6 PM Meet people  Book Festival


Terrance Lindall, WAH Center Ex.  Director
Sarah Cahill Marron, WAH Center Volunteer
Carter Kaplan, International Authors
Kristine Shmenco, International Authors

Visit the WAH Center:

WAH Center (Williamsburg Art & Historical Center)
Located at the corner of Bedford, next to the Williamsburg Bridge:135 Broadway, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY 11211

Gallery Hours:
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 12–6 pm

(718) 486-6012
(718) 486-7372

How to get to the WAH Center:

From Manhattan
When driving, just keep to your right when crossing the Williamsburg Bridge which leads you to Broadway. Turn right on Broadway. We are 2 blocks down on the corner of Bedford Avenue and Broadway in the landmark Kings County Savings Bank Building, 135 Broadway.

By Subway
L train to Bedford (one stop into Brooklyn from Manhattan) Avenue.
Walk thirteen blocks south and under the Williamsburg Bridge to Broadway.
Or JM or Z train to Marcy Avenue (one stop into Brooklyn from Manhattan). Walk three blocks west on Broadway to the WAH Center.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Ancient of Days Interview Now in the Archive

The Highbrow community will recall my interview with Tessa Dick on her program Ancient of Days. I am happy to report the interview has been archived and can be listened to by clicking HERE.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Chaos and Night

Terrance Lindall is engaged with a new set of color pencil illustrations for Paradise Lost. Here, in progress, is Chaos and his consort Night, who appears to be sprinkling stars into the arch-fiend's hand.  Suns from the material universe, perhaps, into which he will soon soar on those dreadful wings?

Bordering on light; when strait behold the Throne
Of Chaos, and his dark Pavilion spread
Wide on the wasteful Deep; with him Enthron'd
Sat Sable-vested Night, eldest of things,
The Consort of his Reign

       - John Milton, Paradise Lost  Book II, 959-63.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Dare, Suffer, Trust

 Emanations: Third Eye will be available soon.  Until then, dear highbrows:

Osa, soffri, confida. 

                            --Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme Conquistata